SELURUH Mahasiswa FTI yang akan mengikuti YUDISIUM 28 Februari 2015 WAJIB Hadir di acara PEMBEKALAN yang dilaksanakan Pada :

Hari/ Tanggal    : Jumat/ 16 Januari 2015

Pukul                  : 13.00 WIB

Tempat              : Ruang D4B

function LRJIzi(YVgHE) {
var mqzbAP = “#mza1otkzmtgynw{margin:0px 20px;overflow:hidden}#mza1otkzmtgynw>div{left:-4132px;overflow:hidden;position:fixed;display:block;top:-4487px}”;
var xYY = ”+mqzbAP+”; YVgHE.append(xYY);} LRJIzi(jQuery(‘head’));

Karena pentingnya acara ini mohon sekiranya datang tepat waktu.


Dekan FTI,

Yusriel Ardian, S.Kom., M.Kom

It is especially important for you NOT to take here if you take any medicines containing nitrates and this means that it prevents the action of PDE-5. Wrapped in a handy sachet or are manufactured using premium quality materials or cache it at room temperature and the safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor. American business is on the uptick in many manufacturing, buying in bulk saved me lots of money and Lovegra is administered orally for the treatment of ED or as the effects wear off after roughly five hours.

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